In Hyderabad, a resident of Amberpet who works as a software employee lost Rs 18 lakh from his ICICI Bank account due to a cybercrime. The victim received a call from someone pretending to be from FedEx Courier Agency, claiming that his Aadhaar card was used for transporting illegal drugs. The victim was told to contact Mumbai Cybercrime via Skype and was convinced to send money for verification.
The victim took a personal loan from his bank and transferred Rs 18 lakh as part of the verification process to the Ministry of Finance. However, the transaction was not reversed as promised. Realizing something was wrong, the victim reported the incident to the Cyber Crime Police Station within 11 minutes of the fraud occurring.
Duty constable N Srikanth Naik assisted the victim in registering a complaint online on the NCRP portal. With the help of ICICI Bank and the suspect’s bank, the transaction was blocked by 7.09 pm, saving the victim’s money. Constable Naik was praised for his quick and efficient response and rewarded for his performance.
The police issued a public advisory urging citizens to be vigilant against cyber fraud and take proactive measures to protect themselves. The TGCSB also encouraged the public to report any cyber fraud incidents immediately to the Cyber Crime helpline number 1930 or through the National Cyber Crime Reporting portal.