Telangana Congress senior leader T Jagga Reddy said he wants to become the State Congress head and Chief Minister in the next 10 years. His comments are important because the party is deciding on the next TPCC President in New Delhi.
Jagga Reddy will follow the decisions made by Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi for his political future. He is willing to work at the State Congress head office at Gandhi Bhavan. No one has talked to him about being the TPCC chief yet, even though he has wanted this position since the recent assembly elections.
He criticized the BJP-led Union government and Prime Minister Narendra Modi for their disrespectful remarks about former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. Jagga Reddy thinks it’s more important for the PM and BJP leaders to talk about current issues in Parliament rather than bringing up the past Emergency period under Indira Gandhi’s rule.