The Justice Chandra Ghose Commission on Kaleshwaram in Hyderabad is considering summoning political leaders like former Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao and former Irrigation minister T Harish Rao. The Commission has set June 27 as the deadline for the state Irrigation department to submit affidavits. Once they receive these written statements, the Commission will decide on the next steps to investigate corruption allegations related to the Kaleshwaram lift scheme and damage to barrages.
The Commission will carefully review the affidavits to gather evidence before summoning officials and leaders who may have influenced project designs and cost increases. The Commission is emphasizing that all official statements must be recorded through affidavits before any further action is taken. The deadline for submission of these affidavits has been reminded to Irrigation officials.
Additionally, the Commission will examine reports from the Vigilance and Enforcement department on Medigadda, as well as findings from the National Dam Safety Authority. Information collected from various agencies will be sent to the Commission’s expert committee for analysis before any decisions are made.
Former ENC (Irrigation) Muralidhar and ENC of the Kaleshwaram Lift Irrigation Scheme (KLIS) N Venkateswarlu will be questioned based on the affidavits. These top officials were removed from their positions following controversy over the Medigadda incident. The role of KCR and Harish Rao in potential misuse of power during barrage construction is also being investigated, with potential accountability for the former CM and Irrigation minister if sufficient evidence is provided.