Residents Welfare Associations (RWAs) in Hyderabad are teaming up with the police department to launch a year-long awareness campaign in the Eastern part of the city to combat drug abuse on The International Day against Drug Abuse on June 26.
The initiative has garnered support from various groups including the Telangana Police department, Peace Committee members, Senior Citizens Associations, and NGOs. The goal is to address the rising crimes committed by drug addicts by spreading awareness through rallies, seminars, stage plays, and street plays in educational institutions, religious sites, and residential areas.
L Srilatha, convener of the Narcotics Drug Elimination Committee, highlighted the increasing number of drug addict cases and emphasized the importance of educating the public about the dangers of drug abuse. Plans are underway to form co-ordination committees with the police station sector-wise, involving RWAs, Peace Committees, and NGOs to visit different areas and promote a drug-free environment.
Syed Khaled Shah, a member of the United Federation of Residents Welfare Associations, expressed determination to expand the awareness campaign citywide after launching it in the Eastern part. The mission is to continue until drug abuse is eradicated from the city.