Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy is currently in Delhi, where he is working to secure funding for upcoming challenges, such as implementing loan waiver schemes. On Tuesday, he met with Union Health Minister J P Nadda to request the release of Rs 693 crore in pending dues under the National Health Mission (NHM) to the state. The delay in reimbursement has caused financial challenges for the state government.
Revanth informed Nadda that Rs 323.73 crore were pending for the third and fourth quarters of NHM 2023-2024, and he also asked for a Rs 138-crore grant for the first quarter of 2024-2025. Additionally, he requested reimbursement of Rs 231.40 crore for the year 2023-2024 under the infrastructure and management component of NHM.
The Chief Minister explained to the Union Health Minister that the state government has been fully implementing the provisions of the Ayushman Bharat scheme since January of this year. He mentioned that 5,159 Basti Dawakhanas (Ayushman healthcare centers) have been established to provide improved medical care to residents in urban and rural areas.
Revanth was joined by Komatireddy Venkatreddy, P Srinivas Reddy, Rajya Sabha MP Anil Kumar Yadav, and state Special representative in New Delhi AP Jitendar Reddy during his meeting with Nadda.