Telangana Deputy Chief Minister Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka is leading an effort to get rid of drugs in the state. He believes that it is important for authorities and the community to work together to achieve this goal. He recently started a drug eradication rally at Jalavihar on Necklace Road in Hyderabad to raise awareness about the dangers of drug abuse.
During the rally, Bhatti Vikramarka warned that drug use can be extremely harmful, tearing families apart and destroying young lives. He criticized those who supply drugs, calling them anti-social forces that prey on vulnerable individuals. The Deputy CM emphasized the need to take a stand against this problem and protect the state from its consequences.
Bhatti Vikramarka promised to provide adequate resources to the Narcotic Bureau for eliminating drugs. He urged authorities to be vigilant in stopping the sale and transport of illegal substances. The Deputy CM also called for the formation of drug eradication committees in all villages and stressed the importance of strengthening the police information system to effectively combat drug suppliers.
In addition, Bhatti Vikramarka highlighted the importance of community participation in the fight against drugs. He encouraged citizens to report any suspicious behavior and warned students about the dangers of getting involved with drugs. Ultimately, he believes that by working together, the state can successfully overcome this issue and create a safer environment for all.