Heavy rains hit Hyderabad on Sunday, causing chaos and disruptions in several areas. The downpour, accompanied by strong winds, led to water logging and traffic congestion in places like Rajendernagar, Uppal, L B Nagar, Begumpet, Mehdipatnam, and Dilsukhnagar. Motorists in the Old City faced challenges navigating through flooded streets, with water levels reaching up to four feet in some places.
According to the Telangana State Development & Planning Society (TSDPS), Charminar received the highest rainfall at 71.8 mm, followed by Asif Nagar, Nampally, and Golconda. The rains began on Saturday night, with areas like Khairtabad and Kukatpally experiencing significant rainfall. Despite the heavy downpour, temperatures remained moderate between 29 and 32 degrees Celsius on Sunday.
The city also witnessed below-normal rainfall levels in the past week, leading to water logging and traffic disruptions at various locations like Punjagutta, Somajiguda, and Begumpet flyover. The Rajendranagar- PVNR Expressway Pillar No 194 Road was also flooded, halting traffic along the entire stretch. Traffic police worked to regulate traffic flow and advised commuters to find alternative routes. The IMD issued warnings about taking shelter under trees due to safety concerns, as more rain was expected until June 26.