The Telangana BJP honored Dr Syama Prasad Mukherjee on his death anniversary. The Union Minister for Coal and Mines, G Kishan Reddy, paid tribute to Dr Mukherjee at the State party office. Reddy remembered Dr Mukherjee’s stand against Article 370 and his founding of the Bharatiya Jana Sangh party. Dr Mukherjee fought against Article 370 and was arrested as the president of Jan Sangh.
Reddy highlighted Dr Mukherjee’s sacrifice for the country’s unity and integrity, noting that PM Narendra Modi had fulfilled his goal by repealing Article 370. Party MP Dr K Laxman also honored Dr Mukherjee on ‘Balidan Diwas’ by planting a tree. Former State general secretary Chandrasekhar Tiwari and other leaders also paid tribute to Dr Mukherjee.
Dr Sudhkar Reddy emphasized Dr Mukherjee’s ultimate sacrifice for the country and his dedication to its sovereignty and integrity, stating that it will inspire future generations.