In Hyderabad, squatters tried to trespass onto HMDA’s Miyapur land, which covers more than 500 acres. The HMDA officials and police rushed to the spot on Saturday when they heard that squatters were gathering on the 504 acres of protected land under survey numbers 100 and 101. Some families set up temporary shelters, but officials and police removed them.
Despite being driven away, many squatters remained on the government land. Rumors about the availability of the land attracted families from across Telangana to the spot over the past few days. The HMDA decided to take action on Sunday, with a large police presence warning squatters that they could be booked under the PD Act if they did not leave by evening.
In the past, there have been similar attempts to encroach on this land, with some people even being scammed into buying portions of it from fraudsters. The HMDA intervened and reclaimed the land with court support. This time, families claiming neglect by the government in Telangana said they resorted to trespassing because they lacked shelter.
HMDA officials suspect that some individuals encouraged the families to enter the government land as a form of mischief.