The Hyderabad City Security Council (HCSC) has launched a new campaign to promote community safety and security. The campaign was inaugurated at the Integrated Command Control Centre (ICCC) and was led by Hyderabad City Police Commissioner Kothakota Sreenivasa Reddy.
HCSC aims to raise awareness and reduce crime in Hyderabad. They are using an Audio/Video Vehicle (AV) to engage and educate the public on safety issues. Mindspace Raheja has funded this vehicle, showing their commitment to community safety.
The commissioner believes that using an AV vehicle is an effective way to educate the public on important topics like traffic safety, women’s welfare, anti-narcotics, cyber security, and physical security. This technology will help reach a wide audience and promote a safer community in Hyderabad.
The commissioner expressed gratitude to Raheja for funding the AV vehicle, which is crucial to the campaign’s success.