Minister Ponnam Prabhakar has instructed officials to prepare for the upcoming month-long Ashada Masam (Bonalu festival) starting on July 7. This year’s festival is special as it is the first one celebrated since the Congress government came into power, so it should be celebrated in a grander way than before. There are over 3,000 temples, with 2,400 in the Hyderabad area, so officials need to be extra vigilant.
The minister mentioned that he will speak to Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy and Endowments Minister Konda Surekha about increasing funds for the temples. It is important that the distribution of cheques to temples is done on time. Public representatives will be providing silk clothes to 28 important temples in the city. With free bus services available through the Maha Lakshmi scheme, more devotees are expected to attend the festival this year.
Prabhakar emphasized the need for cleanliness and ample drinking water in the city during the festival. Health camps should be set up in major temples, along with the availability of ambulances. Display boards should be installed to make it easier for devotees to raise large ‘tottelu’ without any difficulties. Precautionary measures should be taken by traffic police due to heavy traffic near temples.
The minister recommended that officials from Endowments, police, and other departments organize a meeting with all temple festival committees in the city. It is crucial that everyone remains vigilant and attentive until the conclusion of the Bonalu festival.