Scores of group aspirants and unemployed youth in Hyderabad staged a protest at Dharna Chowk on Thursday. They are urging the State government to increase Group II vacancies by 2,000 and Group III posts by 3,000. The protesters want the government to consider selecting candidates for the Group-I Main exam in a 1:100 ratio instead of 1:50. They believe this will give them a fair chance at the 563 Group-I posts that are up for recruitment after a decade.
The protesters noted that during the election campaign, the Congress party promised to address their issues once they formed the government in the state. However, the problems of unemployment have not been resolved to date. Uday, a groups aspirant, stated, “We want this government to cancel the Group-II and III notifications and notify them afresh by increasing the number of posts. We also want the revoking of GO 46 and demand the government increase posts in Group-II and III services besides opening registration for new candidates.”
Overall, the protesters are calling for more opportunities for employment and a fair selection process for the available positions. They believe that increasing the number of vacancies and revising the selection ratios will help address the issue of unemployment in the state.