Members of the BRS student wing protested at Raj Bhavan in Hyderabad on Tuesday, claiming that NEET question papers had been leaked. The protesters, led by BRSV state president Gellu Srinivas Yadav, demanded the immediate cancellation of the NEET exam and criticized the Central government.
The police intervened and arrested the protesters, taking them to the police station. Srinivas Yadav stated that the NEET exam should be cancelled without delay. He threatened to organize large-scale protests under BRSV leadership if Central Ministers Kishan Reddy and Bandi Sanjay did not address the issue.
Srinivas Yadav also accused Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy of involvement in NEET exam irregularities. He warned that if the CM did not respond, the BRS student wing would also protest at his office.