The State BJP official spokesperson, N V Subhash, said that the government in Telangana under CM A Revanth Reddy will follow the Congress regime in Karnataka. He claimed that people in Karnataka are regretting the government’s decision to increase prices of petrol and diesel. Subhash also mentioned that the Congress government in Karnataka has started raising prices of essential commodities and petroleum products shortly after the Lok Sabha election results.
According to Subhash, these actions in Karnataka reveal the true nature of the Siddaramaiah government, and he believes that more decisions that are harmful to the people are on the way. Similarly, the Revanth Reddy government in Telangana is planning to increase registration charges for land and properties starting August 1. Subhash expressed concern that this move would negatively impact the real estate business and burden those striving to own a home.
The BJP leader criticized the Congress government in Telangana for not fulfilling any of its promises. He cautioned the public to be cautious of impractical guarantees made by Congress solely to gain power without considering the consequences. Subhash stated that these guarantees do not benefit the people or the economy of the State.