The Telangana government has not made any decisions about moving employees between Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. Some employees from Telangana were sent to Andhra Pradesh, and some from Andhra Pradesh were sent to Telangana during the state’s formation. Some employees faced challenges with this, like medical needs or family situations. 1,369 employees from Telangana have requested to move to Andhra Pradesh permanently.
The Telangana government collected details of these employees in September 2021 and issued a circular saying it was okay for them to move. Similarly, the Andhra Pradesh government collected details of employees willing to move to Telangana. 1,808 employees were given the option to move to Telangana. The issue of transferring these employees has been ongoing for eight years, but no decision has been made by either government.
As Telangana celebrates its tenth anniversary, the government is looking into unresolved issues between the two states. Hyderabad is now the sole capital of Telangana. Trade unions are warned not to believe rumors about employees moving between the two states.