Secunderabad Cantonment MLA Ganesh recently took part in a pooja program at Sri Sudarshan Bhuvarahaswamy Temple and Sri Venkateswara Perumal Temple in Shivaji Nagar under 150 Division. He sought blessings from Vedic scholars and prayed for the happiness and prosperity of everyone in his constituency.
After the pooja program, MLA Ganesh visited Sri Venkateswara Perumal Endowment Shivaji Nagar Basti to discuss the concerns of residents living in endowment places. He spoke to the endowment officer over the phone and pushed for a resolution to the residents’ plea for house ownership rights. He assured them of measures to prevent further rent issues and promised a permanent solution.
The event was attended by notable individuals like Shekhar Mudiraj, Mallesh Yadav, Devender, Venkat Raj, and Krishna Reddy. The MLA’s proactive approach in addressing housing issues in Shivaji Nagar Basti has been well-received by the community.