The Enforcement Directorate (ED) is investigating an alleged embezzlement of Rs 700 crore in the sheep distribution scheme during the previous government in Telangana. The agency has requested information from the state government and issued notices to former chief minister K Chandrashekhar Rao and other officials involved in the scheme.
The Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) is already conducting an investigation and has arrested some officials from the Animal Husbandry department. The ED has registered a case under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act regarding the Sheep Rearing Development Scheme (SRDC).
The ED has asked for details and documents related to the implementation of the SRDC since its inception in 2016. They are seeking district-wise information on beneficiaries, including their contact details, bank account information, and details of sheep sellers.
Additionally, the agency is requesting details of bank accounts used for fund disbursement by the Telangana State Sheep and Goat Development Cooperative Federation Ltd (TSSGDCFL). They are also asking for information on sheep feed procurement and distribution to beneficiaries, as well as internal fraud reports from the animal husbandry wing.