A total of 112 road proposals were reviewed in Hyderabad on Wednesday. This included 61 proposals under the Road Connectivity Programme for Left Wing Extremist Areas (RCPLWEA) Phase-I, II & III, and 51 under Prime Minister Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY).
The coordination meeting was led by the principal secretary to government, EFS&T (Environment, Forests, Science and Technology) department, A Vani Prasad. Officials from Panchayat Raj, TR&B (Telangana Roads & Buildings), and Forest department also attended the meeting to discuss the viability of the projects in light of recent amendments to forest rules.
The officials reviewed all 112 road proposals to ensure they align with the updated forest regulations. The meeting aimed to address any potential challenges or environmental concerns related to the proposed road projects.
Efforts were made to ensure that the road proposals are in compliance with the forest rules, while also meeting the transportation needs in the designated areas. The collaboration between different departments highlighted the importance of balancing infrastructure development with environmental conservation.