District Chief Justice Rajesh Babu believes that Lok Adalat is an effective way to provide quick justice to those involved in legal disputes. The program was initiated at the Nagar Kurnool district court complex on Saturday under the State Legal Services Authority’s direction. Many cases were resolved through mediation during the event.
During the program, District First Class Judge D. Rajesh Babu emphasized the importance of compromise in resolving disputes. He stated that reaching a compromise is beneficial for all parties involved as it saves time and money. The decisions made in such moments can greatly impact a person’s happiness and well-being.
One significant advantage of settling cases through Lok Adalats is that there is no provision for appeal once a decision is reached. This not only saves time and money but also ensures finality in the resolution process. The event at Nagar Kurnool District Court saw the settlement of 17387 cases, including various bank cases, amounting to Rs.35 lakhs and 3183 rupees.
Senior Civil Judge Sabitha, Junior Civil Judge Maunika, Junior Civil Judge K Mamata Reddy, Bar Association Secretary Parvath Reddy, and other lawyers actively participated in the program, highlighting the importance of alternative dispute resolution methods like Lok Adalat.