The BJP vice-president DK Aruna, who won from Mahabubnagar Lok Sabha constituency, said she will not be lobbying for a ministerial position. She stated this during a media interaction in Hyderabad. Aruna criticized Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy for failing to secure a victory for his party’s candidate in his own district. There is a demand within the party for the Chief Minister’s resignation.
Aruna clarified that she will not be seeking a ministerial berth and that the party will make a decision regarding this matter. She also criticized the Chief Minister for suggesting that Narendra Modi should not be the Prime Minister. Aruna questioned Revanth Reddy’s claims of winning 14 seats but only securing eight in the end. She warned that consequences await if Revanth Reddy does not change his language.
In the recent election, Aruna won from Mahabubnagar by defeating Congress party’s Ch Vamshichand Reddy with a margin of 3,150 votes.