Konda Vishweshwar Reddy, also known as KVR, won the BJP candidate for the Chevella LS segment, avenging his defeat in the 2019 Lok Sabha elections by BRS. He secured a majority of 1,72,897 votes out of a total of 16,75,575 electors who voted on May 13. This translates to 51.6% of the votes, with the remaining 42 candidates receiving 48.3% of the votes.
Over the past 10 years, KVR has seen a significant increase in his voting percentage. In 2014, he began his political career with 32.9% of the votes, securing 4,31,084 votes. Despite losing the LS election in 2019 as a Congress candidate, his vote share remained high at 39.8%, with 5,13,180 votes in his favor.
In 2019, KVR suffered a close defeat by BRS candidate Dr. Ranjith Reddy, who received 5,27,878 votes compared to KVR’s 5,13,180 votes. However, this year, KVR managed to secure 8,09,882 votes, reclaiming victory with 51.6% of the votes. This victory marks a successful comeback for KVR after his defeat in 2019.