Telangana BJP chief G Kishan Reddy has won for the second time from the Secunderabad Lok Sabha constituency, defeating Danam Nagender by 49,944 votes. In a field of 46 candidates, the main competition was between BJP, Congress, and BRS. Kishan Reddy received 4,73,012 votes, while the Congress candidate got 4,23,068 votes and the BRS candidate received 1,29,586 votes.
The BJP has been winning the Secunderabad Lok Sabha seat consistently. In 2019, Kishan Reddy defeated the BRS candidate Talasani Sai Kiran Yadav to secure victory. Despite having no MLAs in the Lok Sabha segment, the BJP managed to win due to strong urban voter support.
During the election, Kishan Reddy started with a narrow lead in the first round and maintained it throughout the following rounds. Despite a brief lead for Nagender in the eighth and sixteenth rounds, Kishan Reddy ultimately won with a comfortable margin of over 49,000 votes.
Kishan Reddy received strong support from areas like Amberpet, Musheerabad, and Sanathnagar. North Indian voters in Sanathnagar also played a significant role in his victory.