Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy resigned on Tuesday after his party, YSRCP, lost in the 2024 elections. Despite implementing many welfare schemes, he expressed shock over the defeat and said only God knows the reason for it.
Speaking to the media, YS Jagan mentioned the various schemes his government had introduced, like Amma Vodi for mothers and Vahana Mitra for auto drivers, to help the people of Andhra Pradesh. He said he was unsure where the votes of those who benefited from these schemes went.
The outgoing Chief Minister highlighted that his government fulfilled 99 percent of its manifesto promises, promoted English skills in schools, and introduced a volunteer system for better governance. He acknowledged the defeat and pledged to continue serving the public and advocating for the voiceless.
YS Jagan congratulated the winning leaders, including Nara Chandrababu Naidu and Pawan Kalyan, and expressed his readiness to be in opposition once again. He promised to bounce back and wished the new government success in their endeavors.