In Hyderabad, despite exit polls predicting a tough time for the BRS in the Lok Sabha elections, party leaders remain hopeful about winning in Medak, Peddapally, and Nagarkurnool. They have received positive reports from the ground level, indicating good chances of victory in at least three seats.
According to a senior leader, voters who supported the Congress in the Assembly elections are now dissatisfied with the governance, which has failed to deliver on its promises. The party sees potential for success in the Medak LS segment, where six out of seven MLAs belong to BRS, giving them a strong base of support. Additionally, their candidate P Venkatrama Reddy, a former collector, has experience in effective poll management.
The BRS leaders are counting on strong support from the Singreni belt in the Peddapally LS segment, where their candidate Koppula Eshwar hails from. Chief K Chandrashekar Rao has emphasized the importance of Eshwar’s victory to protect the Singareni organization from privatization. The party is also banking on the popularity of bureaucrat-turned-politician RS Praveen Kumar, who has a strong connection with marginalized communities through his work in Gurukulams across the State.
KCR has set a target of winning 14 seats for the BRS to have a significant impact on the formation of the next government at the Centre.