BRS working president KT Rama Rao criticized Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy for comparing his party’s homage to Telangana martyrs to Pakistanis celebrating Independence Day. Rama Rao called Revanth Reddy a ‘fool’ and said he lacks understanding of the Telangana movement and its people’s aspirations.
Rama Rao also criticized Revanth Reddy for only celebrating Telangana Formation Day for one day, saying his party would have held month-long celebrations if they were in power. He accused Revanth Reddy of not even being able to say “Jai Telangana” on Telangana Formation Day, calling him a ‘jackpot chief minister’ who doesn’t understand the sacrifices of the Telangana people.
On the State’s tenth anniversary of formation, KTR extended wishes from his party and six million BRS workers to the people of Telangana. He honored the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the creation of Telangana State.