District Court Chief Justice D Rajesh Babu was present at the Nagar Kurnool District Court on Sunday. The national flag was raised in the court premises to celebrate Telangana state’s birth day. The District Judge spoke about the significance of the day, mentioning that it has been ten years since Telangana state was formed. He honored the heroes who gave their lives for Telangana and urged all residents to live peacefully and contribute to the state’s development.
During the celebrations for Telangana’s birth decade, the District Sessions Court Judge distributed TLMs worth Rs 20,000 to students of CWSN. In attendance were Principal Junior Civil Judge P Maunika, First Additional Junior Civil Judge K Mamata Reddy, Nagar Kurnool Bar Association President Radhakrishna, General Secretary Parvath Reddy, District Chief Administration Officer S Sridevi, District Judicial Employees Association President P Srinivas Reddy, Advocates, In-charge Dist. Education Officer Chandrasekhara Rao, Joint Education Coordinator Venkataiah, Strong Teacher Venkateswara Shetty, IERPs Prakash and Manjula, CWSN students and their parents, police personnel, court personnel, and others.