The Telangana State Incarnation Day celebrations took place on Sunday at the Complex of Integrated District Offices in Bhadradri Kothagudem Centre. Collector Dr. Priyanka Ala was the chief guest and welcomed everyone on behalf of the district administration with an honorary salute. The collector then unveiled the national flag and spoke about the welfare development programs and progress in the district. District SP Rohit Raj, Additional Collector Venugopal, DRDO Vidyachandan, officials from various departments, and city dignitaries also participated in the event.
In another part of the celebration, Collector Dr. Priyanka Ala and others paid tribute to Telangana martyrs by laying floral wreaths at the Martyrs’ Memorial Stupa in Pragathi Maidan in Bhadradri Kothagudem District Centre. The event was organized by the District Civil Relations Officer of Bhadradri Kothagudem.