In Nagarkurnool district, the Nagar Kurnool District Government Retired Employees’ Association celebrated Telangana’s 10th Independence Day. The event included decorating portraits of Prof. Jayashankar and the mother of Telangana with garlands, as well as hoisting the national flag. During the first phase of the program, fighters of Malidasha Telangana shared the challenges they faced in the quest for Telangana.
District president Jay Ramachandra Reddy, general secretary Sridhar, treasurer Venkatashetty, Telangana activist Busireddy Sudhakar Reddy, mandal secretary Yugandhar Reddy, and Warden Chennaiah were among those who participated in the program. The first Malidasa activists Krishnaiah, Nizamuddin, Pandu, Pandurangaiah Narasaiah, and others also took part in the celebration.