Fixed deposit bonds worth Rs 78.28 lakh, which were connected to the Hyderabad Book Fair, were given to the new committee of the Book Fair. The bonds were received by the new President Yakub, Treasurer P Narayana Reddy, and Vice President Bal Reddy from the founder secretary and former treasurer P Rajeshwar Rao and former secretary Koya Chandramohan at the Book Fair office in Hyderabad.
The transfer of the bonds marked an important financial handover to the newly elected committee, ensuring that the funds are in the hands of the right individuals to manage them effectively. This step is crucial for the smooth operation and organization of future Book Fairs in Hyderabad.
The bonds, totaling Rs 78.28 lakh, will play a significant role in supporting the upcoming Book Fair events and initiatives. The new committee members expressed their gratitude for receiving the bonds and emphasized their commitment to utilizing the funds wisely for the benefit of the Book Fair and its participants.