A 13-year-old boy tragically lost his life on the Outer Ring Road (ORR) at Medchal. The boy, M Poojitha Ram, was feeling nauseous and stopped his vehicle to vomit. While standing on the road, he was hit by a speeding truck.
Ram, who was a ninth-grade student from Bhadrachalam, had come to Hyderabad with his family to visit relatives in Kukatpally during their summer vacation. The accident occurred as they were returning from Kukatpally to Bibi Nagar via the ORR on Saturday.
As they approached the Medchal stretch, Ram began to feel sick. A relative driving the car stopped on the expressway, and Ram got out from the right-side door. Unfortunately, he was struck by a DCM truck while standing on the road, leading to severe injuries that proved fatal.
The Medchal police stated that a case has been filed against the truck driver, and an investigation is underway.