Former ISRO Space Scientist TP Sasikumar inaugurated the fifth branch of Laksh International School in Razwi Chaman in Karimnagar town on Sunday. Former Minister and Karimnagar MLA Gangula Kamalakar, Peddapalli MLA Ch Vijayaramana Rao, Choppadandi MLA Medipalli Satyam, TRSMA state advisor Y Shekhar Rao, and City Mayor Mayor Y Sunil Rao were present during the inauguration.
Sasikumar appreciated the efforts of Laksh International Schools for providing quality education with a digital and informative approach, especially with minimal fees. He encouraged students to aim big in the future, urging them to prepare for Civil Services Examinations from an early age. Meanwhile, MLA Kamalakar praised the staff and management of the school for emphasizing the importance of social service among the students.
TRSMA state advisor Y Shekhar Rao commended the school for teaching students about various holy books such as Bhagwath Gita, Quran, and Bible. Chairman of the institution Mushtaq Ali Khan praised Sasikumar for guiding IAS aspirants to success in the Civil Services Examination. He highlighted that Laksh School focuses on the overall development of students through practical facilities like laboratories, libraries, and digital equipment.