In Khammam, near the Telangana-Chhattisgarh border village of Bhimaram, the banned Maoist militia set off booby traps in the jungle, injuring two adivasi women. The district SP B Rohit Raju provided this information.
The Maoists in the Pusuguppa forest area planted booby traps that killed three cows and two dogs belonging to the common tribal people. Adivasis are becoming scared of the situation.
On Saturday, trees were cut down to block the road between Pusaguppa and Unjupalli villages, hindering the movement of the indigenous people. The SP questioned the reasoning behind the Maoists’ actions, as they claim to be protecting tribal interests.
He urged people to reject the influence of the outlawed group in their areas, as the Maoist militia only brings harm. The SP also called on the Maoists to surrender to authorities and lead normal lives, which would benefit both the region’s development and their own future.
Since January, 15 Maoists have surrendered in response to the district police’s “Operation Cheyuta” program. Among them were five army members, five militia members, two deputy commanders, and three area committee members from the outlawed CPI-Maoist party.