The Cyberabad Cyber Crime team caught a person for committing matrimonial fraud and extorting money from people through fake social media accounts. The suspect, Maram Ashok Reddy, posed as a woman named ‘Praneetha Reddy’ on Snap Chat to deceive victims and managed to swindle Rs 14 lakh from one individual by fabricating urgent financial needs.
After receiving a complaint, the police launched an investigation and discovered that Reddy engaged with the victim as a girl, built a virtual relationship through chat, and manipulated the victim with false promises of friendship, love, and marriage. He convinced the victim to send money by creating fake stories about needing funds to start a business, ultimately using the money for online gaming.
Further investigation revealed that Reddy spent the extorted money on various gaming and betting applications. In response to this incident, the Cyberabad Police Commissioner advised citizens to be cautious when forming online matrimonial connections. They urged people to verify the authenticity of online profiles, report suspicious activity to the police immediately, and seek help through the National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal (NCRP).
The advisory also included tips on recognizing potential scammers in online relationships, such as being wary of quick professions of love, reluctance to meet in person or via video chat, and persistent requests for money. It emphasized the importance of conducting research on suspicious individuals, reporting them to dating platforms and authorities, and staying informed about common scams and fraud tactics.
In the event of falling victim to a matrimonial scam, individuals were encouraged to seek support from friends, family, or professional counsellors to address any emotional or financial consequences. By raising awareness and taking proactive measures, people can protect themselves and others from becoming victims of similar fraudulent schemes.