In Gadwal, the Zilla Praja Parishad (ZPP) Plenary meeting took place at the old MP DO office meeting hall. ZP Chairperson Sarita Tirupathaiah discussed key issues raised by ZP TCs in their mandals. Officials explained steps being taken to address these concerns, such as extending slot booking time for Sadaram certificates and preparing for planting saplings during the rainy season.
Sarita also stressed the need to propose appointing volunteers to alleviate teacher shortages in government schools until new teachers are recruited through the Teacher Recruitment Test (TRT). She urged officials to ensure welfare schemes reach deserving beneficiaries and that development projects are finished on time. District officials from various departments provided updates on ongoing development works and efforts to resolve related issues. ZP TC members from different mandals participated in the discussions.
The Zilla Parishad Chairperson directed the completion of incomplete road construction and expedited bridge work in Aiza town. She highlighted a health concern, noting that the increased use of plastic in the district is contributing to a rise in cancer cases. Sarita called for departmental officers to work together to enforce a ban on plastic use.
The meeting was attended by ZP Vice Chairperson Sarojamma, Zilla Parishad CEO Kanthamma, various ZP TCs, district officers, and other stakeholders.