In Hyderabad, the chairmen of various corporations nominated earlier this year will be taking charge soon after the Model Code of Conduct (MCC) is lifted. 37 Congress leaders have been appointed to these positions, with five already in office before the MCC was implemented.
Party sources say that individual government orders needed for these positions are expected to be issued shortly after the MCC is lifted in the State. The General Administration Department (GAD) is currently processing the necessary paperwork, and the appointed leaders are eager to receive their orders and begin their responsibilities as soon as possible.
Despite delays in assuming their roles, the appointed leaders were active during the Lok Sabha campaign to strengthen their claims to the position. Despite objections and apprehensions raised by some Ministers, the finalized nominees are confident that they will officially take charge in the first week of June.
Key appointments include Patel Ramesh Reddy (Tourism Development Corporation), K Shiv Sena Reddy (Sports Authority), N Preetham (SC Corporation), and many others who will be heading important corporations in the State.