Telangana State Chief Secretary Santhi Kumari instructed district authorities to finish projects for Amma Adarsha Patashala by June 12. She held a video conference with district collectors to review progress on the school uniform stitching and paddy procurement. The chief secretary praised collectors for their work and emphasized the importance of completing projects before schools reopen in June.
Santhi Kumari directed collectors to ensure every child receives notebooks, textbooks, and a school uniform on the first day back at school. She also stressed the need to monitor repair works, electrification, toilets, drinking water, painting, and furniture to ensure quality. In terms of paddy procurement, she urged collectors to speed up the process and procure remaining paddy quickly.
The chief secretary commended some collectors for their quick response in handling rain-soaked paddy and drying them to prevent losses for farmers. She encouraged other collectors to follow suit and ensure all farmers are taken care of.