Nagarkurnool electricity department AD Adiseshu announced that there are no power outages in Nagar Kurnool division. He explained that power interruptions are only caused by weather conditions like wind and rain, which can damage or knock down power poles. Adiseshu assured that his team will promptly address any electrical issues faced by the public.
The department’s staff will be working around the clock to ensure uninterrupted power supply. Adiseshu emphasized the importance of safety during rainy weather, advising people not to touch electric poles and warning against parking vehicles beneath 11kv or 33kv power lines.
Farmers were specifically cautioned against approaching boreholes during rainstorms. Adiseshu urged residents to report any household electricity problems to the authorities instead of trying to fix them on their own. In case of any electrical issues, the district control room can be reached at 9441400014.