In Nagarkurnool, the Krishi Vigyan Kendra in Bijinapalli Mandal Palem village of Nagar Kurnool District recently organized an event to raise awareness about cultivating high-density cotton during the upcoming monsoon season. Dr. T Prabhakar Reddy, the program coordinator, led the event and facilitated interaction with officials from private seed companies.
Representatives from Nujiveedu Rashi Veda Prabha Crystal Organizations also took part in the program. Dr. T Prabhakar Reddy explained the key aspects of high-density cotton cultivation and discussed potential obstacles and solutions related to cotton farming. The seed companies were advised to ensure an adequate supply of seeds for the upcoming monsoon season.
It was suggested that using a New matic planter for sowing would be both easy and profitable. Dr. Reddy encouraged farmers to embrace this technology and provide proper awareness to ensure the success of the project. The event was attended by Dr. Shaila, Dr. Rajasekhar, KVK scientists, staff, and officials from private seed companies.