The upcoming elections in Telangana will be a crucial test for the BRS party, led by K Chandrashekar Rao. After facing defeat in the Assembly elections, Rao has expressed aspirations of becoming the Prime Minister if the party secures 14 seats. During the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, BRS won nine out of 17 seats with the slogan ‘Saaru Caru Padaharu’. This time, there is no specific slogan but Rao is urging voters to give 14 seats for Telangana to have a strong regional presence.
The party faces the challenge of replicating its previous success amidst the impact of recent Assembly poll results and the influence of Prime Minister Modi. BRS leaders believe that dissatisfaction with the current government’s performance and promises unfulfilled by Congress could work in their favor. They are optimistic about Rao’s extensive campaign efforts, including roadshows and bus yatras, which have received positive responses from the public.
Rao has urged voters to make wise choices and avoid splitting minority votes among different parties. He emphasized the importance of supporting regional parties like BRS to counter the influence of national parties like BJP. Political analysts predict that the outcome of the Lok Sabha elections will determine BRS’s future in Telangana – success could solidify its position as a strong opposition, while failure would pose challenges for its leaders and representatives.