The voting process for the Nagar Kurnool Parliamentary elections has begun in Gadwal and Alampur segments of Gadwal district. Many voters lined up before 7 am at polling centers to cast their votes. District Election Officer and Collector BM Santhosh also cast his vote early at a government primary school.
After voting, BM Santhosh inspected polling stations and ensured all necessary arrangements were made for a peaceful process. He urged voters to participate for a better future. Despite some technical issues with EVMs in four centers, the polling process proceeded smoothly.
BM Santhosh visited Youth Model and Women’s Polling Centers to oversee the voting process. Political leaders like Bharath Prasad, RS Praveen Kumar, Challa Venkatramireddy, and Sampath Kumar also exercised their right to vote at various locations.
The voting percentages in Gadwal and Alampur gradually increased throughout the day, with young voters showing enthusiasm for the democratic process. Senior citizens, disabled individuals, and transgender voters also participated in the elections.
After the completion of voting, the final turnout was 74.93% in Gadwal and 73.11% in Alampur.