Potuganti Bharat Prasad, the BJP candidate, campaigned in Charakonda mandal as part of the Nagar Kurnool Parliament election campaign. He promised to bring industries and jobs to the area if he wins. Bharat Prasad’s father, Potuganti Ramulu, has served the area for 30 years and developed it.
Bharat Prasad pledged to follow in his father’s footsteps with the support of Narendra Modi and the voters. He mentioned that the Mudra Yojana of the BJP government has increased business loan amounts from 10 lakhs to 20 lakhs for those looking to start businesses.
The candidate expressed confidence in Modi’s leadership, stating that he will continue to lead the country towards progress and protect it from enemies. Bharat Prasad highlighted the distribution of benefits through the Garib Kalyan Yojana by the BJP government over the past two and a half years.
He assured the audience that gratuity will continue to be distributed for the next five years as well. The event was attended by village leaders, activists, and supporters from district constituencies who expressed their support for the BJP and its initiatives.