The YSRCP has filed a complaint with the Election Commission of India (ECI) and Andhra Pradesh DGP, accusing the TDP’s ‘weapp’ of being designed for illegal activities. They claim that the app is used for data profiling, distributing voter slips with barcodes for tracking and bribery, and offering financial inducements to voters through unauthorized transactions.
The YSRCP alleges that the TDP’s actions violate legal norms and infringe upon voter privacy by collecting and using personal data without authorization. They accuse TDP leaders of stealing data from voters and using it for illegal activities, which is punishable under the Indian Penal Code.
According to the complaint, individuals impersonating Election Commission members from the Telugu Desam Party obtain personal data and preferences of individuals to commit electoral offenses. The YSRCP claims that these actions violate electoral laws and undermine fair electoral practices and voter confidentiality.
The YSRCP’s complaint also suggests a criminal conspiracy by TDP leaders to steal personal voter data through unauthorized access to computer networks, which is punishable under the Information Technology Act.