A thief who had been committing multiple thefts in Nagar-Kurnool district has been caught by the police. District SP Gaikwad Vaibhav Raghunath shared details about the thefts in a media conference.
The thief, Bontala Murthy from Judcharla, targeted locked houses during the day to steal gold, silver, and cash. The Thimmajipet mandal police discovered him while checking vehicles last night.
SP Gaikwad stated that 84 grams of gold, 80 talas of silver, 1,50,000 in cash, and a Pulsar bike were recovered from the thief after thorough interrogation. The accused has already been linked to 35 theft cases.
Murthy is set to be remanded today, and it is possible that he and his accomplices will be connected to more cases. SP Gaikwad commended the Thimmajipet Tadur Sub inspector’s hard work in capturing the thief and rewarded the constables involved in the investigation.