Many voters in Hyderabad are missing their voter information slips (VIS) ahead of the Lok Sabha elections on Monday. Despite the distribution of voter slips starting on April 28, a majority of electors have not received them, causing concern as the election approaches.
With only three days left until the Parliament elections, residents in various city divisions report not receiving their voter slips. Some have resorted to downloading the slips from the Telangana State Election Commission website, while others fear they may not be able to vote without the physical slip in hand.
Complaints have been made to election officials about the missing voter slips, but many voters remain without them. In areas like Mallepally, residents claim that no one from the election office or GHMC has come to distribute the slips to households, leaving many voters uninformed about their polling location.
Yuvraj Kamble of Mallepally shared that voters used to receive slips from party leaders in the past, but this practice seems to have stopped recently. The lack of voter slips has led some voters to skip voting in previous elections, indicating a potential impact on voter turnout this time around.
Social activists are concerned about the low distribution of voter slips and its effect on voting percentage. They criticize the election authorities for failing to ensure that all electors receive their slips before polling day, potentially leading to confusion and lower turnout at the polls.
While some educated individuals can download their voter slips online, many others may not have access or knowledge of how to do so. This could result in a significant number of voters missing out on voting if they do not receive their slips in time for the elections.