Hyderabad District Election Officer Ronald Rose, along with Hyderabad city Police Commissioner K Sreenivasa Reddy and Returning Officers Anudeep Durishetti and Hemant Keshav Patil, have confirmed that all necessary arrangements have been made for the upcoming Lok Sabha and Secunderabad Cantonment Assembly by-elections on May 13.
Webcasting facilities will be available at all 1,944 polling stations in the Hyderabad segment to ensure a fair polling process.
There are over 30 candidates contesting for the Hyderabad Parliamentary constituency, 45 candidates for the Secunderabad Parliamentary constituency, and 15 candidates for the Secunderabad Cantonment Assembly constituency. The total number of voters in the two constituencies of Hyderabad district is 45,91,201.
To ensure smooth elections, 1,250 Central government employees have been appointed as micro observers, and a woman polling officer will be present at every polling booth. Essential amenities like drinking water, medical camps, and shaded seating areas will be provided at all polling stations.
Voter Information Slips and booklets are being distributed, and the ‘PollQ Route’ app can be used to track queue status on polling day. Cash, liquor, and other valuables worth Rs 38,55,72,637 have been seized so far.
Three-tier security arrangements are in place at DRC, strong rooms, and counting centres. Campaign activities will be prohibited from 5 pm on May 11, and Section 144 will be enforced in the district until the elections are over.