CPM district secretary Nunna Nageswara Rao campaigned in Khammam on Sunday for Congress MP candidate Raghuram Reddy. Along with other leaders, they urged voters to support Reddy, criticizing the NDA government for favoring corporates over the poor in the past decade.
The CPM leader expressed support for Reddy in the upcoming election, emphasizing the need for change in government policies that prioritize big businesses like Adani and Ambanis over the welfare of the less privileged. The campaign in Khammam aimed to garner support for Reddy and highlight the failures of the current administration.
Rao and other party members stressed the importance of voting for a candidate who will prioritize the needs of the people and work towards creating a fairer and more equitable society. They encouraged residents to use their votes wisely and make a difference in the upcoming election by electing a candidate who will champion their interests.