The Telangana BJP has filed a complaint with the Kothagudem police against CM A Revanth Reddy. State general secretary G Premender Reddy stated that the CM and TPCC president made false and defamatory statements which could be considered offenses under certain sections of the IPC and Representation of People Act.
Premender Reddy claimed that Reddy twisted remarks made by a BJP leader at a press conference in New Delhi, leading to illegal and provocative statements being made. He also accused Reddy of creating a fake narrative about the BJP abolishing reservations if they come into power, along with spreading a fake video of Home Minister Amit Shah.
The BJP believes that these statements by Reddy could incite violence and promote hatred between different groups based on caste. They also argue that these false allegations are meant to influence voters and damage the reputation of the party.
In light of these accusations, the party has requested the Election Commission to take action against CM A Revanth Reddy for his actions.