Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy, along with Deputy CM Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka and Khammam Lok Sabha candidate Ramasahayam Raghuram Reddy, attended a public meeting in Kothagudem. Revanth Reddy claimed that the Congress government had successfully implemented the ‘Rythu Bandhu’ scheme for 65 lakh out of 69 lakh eligible farmers and would complete the transfers for the remaining four lakh farmers by May 8.
During the meeting, Revanth Reddy criticized BRS chief K Chandrasekhar Rao for allegedly failing to implement the scheme and challenged him to come to the Martyrs memorial on May 9. He also highlighted the government’s efforts to manage finances efficiently, pay salaries on time, and address the inherited debt of Rs 7 lakh crore.
Revanth Reddy reiterated the government’s commitment to implementing a loan waiver scheme by August 15 and criticized Union Minister Kishan Reddy for his remarks about the Constitution. He also addressed a roadshow in Kothakota under Mahbubnagar constituency, alleging that a ‘video morphing’ case against him was politically motivated.
The Chief Minister urged KCR to stop spreading false propaganda and emphasized the importance of acting against threats to the Constitution. Overall, Revanth Reddy’s speeches focused on highlighting the government’s achievements and addressing criticism from opposition parties.