Bandi Sanjay Kumar, BJP national general secretary and Karimnagar MP, has demanded that the State government hand over the probe of the sensational phone tapping case to the CBI. He also suggested involving the NIA if needed, as it is related to national security. Kumar expressed his concerns during a media address, stating that Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy and himself were victims of the phone tapping case. He alleged that there were efforts to downplay the role of former CM K Chandrasekhar Rao in the investigation at the behest of a minister from Karimnagar.
Kumar pointed out that despite arrests and investigations in the phone tapping scandal, it seemed like the case was being pushed aside, similar to past cases like Nayeem, Miyapur land scam, student suicides, and TSPSC question paper leak. He mentioned having a copy of a statement by police officer Radha Kishan Rao, where it was revealed that police officials were tapping phones based on directions from former CM KCR.
The BJP leader highlighted that former CM KCR’s name was mentioned in the recorded statement, yet the state government and officials had not made it public or issued any notices for recording statements. He also raised concerns about the focus shifting from the phone tapping issue to unrelated matters like reservations to divert attention.
Moreover, Kumar accused the former intelligence chief Prabhakar Reddy, who is currently in the USA, of funding the Congress candidate in Lok Sabha elections through a relative in Karimnagar. He alleged the involvement of a minister from the district in these financial exchanges. Despite being a victim in the phone tapping case, Kumar criticized CM Revanth Reddy for seemingly following instructions from Delhi and diluting the case.
In light of these developments, Kumar stated that both Congress and BRS were spreading false propaganda against BJP. He mentioned allegations from BRS about BJP joining forces with Congress, while Congress labeled BJP as a B team of BRS. Kumar believed that these tactics would not last long, as people would see through Congress’s attempts to downplay the phone tapping case and failure to fulfill electoral promises.