Hyderabad: Deputy Chief Minister Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka addressed the incorrect statement made by the chief warden of Osmania University regarding water and electricity shortages. He stated that the Chief Warden will face strict consequences for his mistake.
Vikramarka assured students at the university that they do not need to worry. They can continue to stay in the university hostel and focus on their studies without any disruptions. He confirmed with officials that electricity is being consistently supplied to the entire campus through two distinct 11kv feeders from the 33/11 KV sub-station within the Osmania University premises. This was verified through meter readings. The university registrar has already issued a show cause notice to the chief warden for providing false information.
Students were relieved to know that they can stay on campus and continue their studies without having to vacate. Vikramarka’s swift action in response to the inaccurate statement from the chief warden has reassured the university community.